


316科技 179
















高赞也提到了,pronunciation workshop这个视频,不知答主学到什么程度,我当时看了不下几十遍,做了很多笔记,才知道这个系列远比想象中的神。写这个回答,也是为了以后能快速找到这个经典,和自己的心血总结。


为什么出效果这么快?因为很多人,包括我,小时候从来没有人系统地教过如何发音 (别跟我说音标)。很多人甚至潜意识拿中国字的发音对应英语口语发音,比如try=踹。。其实两者差得很远,这是万万不可取的。这十集,实际上是学新的东西,学习新东西从0到1当然效果显著。之后就是反复巩固。



  1. 在视频里的人念的时候,也跟着念,念出声,夸张模仿嘴型。
  2. 非常重要:有条件的,尽量实时听到自己念的东西,类似在ktv你拿着话筒听到自己说话唱歌。我是买了个类似助听器的东西,把话筒放到自己嘴边。没有条件的,跟视频念的时候手机录下来,事后听。
  3. 视频里也说了,拿个镜子看自己嘴型。我是不忍看到自己扭曲的面容,你们根据决心自行决定。但很重要的一点,就是英语是发音时嘴型非常夸张的语言。定律:不咧嘴的英语绝对不标准。
  4. 对于特别需要学习的片段,果断回放,反复播放,这个视频是用来练的,不是用来看的。
  5. 我在视频下边配合了自己手打的,非常全面的笔记。
  6. 笔记里的一堆英语单词是视频里的例子,用来念着练习的。视频看多了之后可以直接靠笔记回想和练习。对于听不大懂视频的同学,笔记也会有很大帮助。

第一课: R and W

第一课: R and Whttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1136832405532020736

词首R , R永远最夸张,念好R英语即可标准一半



(Rock, Rip, Reach, Road, Rain, Rich, Rome, Raise, Robe, Rice)

(The round rooster rushed into the wrong road.)



(Car, Far, Star, Door, Bear, Four, Air, Year, Turn, Poor)




(He is very very nice)

(She is very very tall)

(Direction, Arrange, Erase, Correct, Marry, Garage, Original, Hurry, Zero, Marine, Berry, Operation, Caring, Arrive, Everyone.)

辅音混合R(TR, BR, PR etc.)




(Training, Trust, Trip, Great, Tropical, Bring, Print, President, Product, Cracker, Crawl, Break)


(Subtract, Waitress, Nutrition, Australia, Introduce, Compress, Oppression, Betray)

(The story he read on the radio was incorrect.)

(Her career in the law firm is permanent.)

(Richard and Brooke took a ride in their Brand new Range Rover Truck)

(Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport.)airport中间r关上air这个词

(The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday.)




(What will we do.) (One, Once)

和R区别(Rick, Wick; Right, White)

(Why, Which, When, What, Wipe, Wish, Weight, Wing)


(Always, Away, Beware, Awake, Someone, Rewind, Halloween, Hollywood)

(The wind from the west was very wet.)

(We woke up and washed the white washcloth.)

(We waited for the waitress to give us water.)

(We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin.)



(quick kwick)

(Question, Quiet, Queen, Qualify, Quit, Quebec, Quilt, Choir)

R和W 长例子

(Ray was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway. Fred’s profession was designing railroad tracks, and his career involved traveling all around the world, Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride. Fred was creative, brilliant and worked well with railroad tracks. He would be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and was painted Red and White. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand new roller coaster.)

第二课:Voicing S and Z

第二课:Voicing S and Zhttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1136832725024677888

S 清辅音

空气从牙出, 声带振

Z 浊辅音

空气从牙出, 声带振


Rule1, 如果词尾清辅音,加s也为清辅音

(Cups, Breaks, Stops)

Rule2, 词尾(s, z, sh, ch, dg), 加s为izzzzzzz


(pages=pagezzz, lunches=lunch+izzz, pushes=push+izzzz)

(Buses, Raises, Brushes)

Rule3, 词尾原音结尾, 加s为zzzz

(treezz, dayzz, shoezz, flyzzz, trainzz, songzz. rollzz)


英语中的例外: S发Z音的词: (下例已用z替换s)

iz, hiz, az, waz, theze, thoze, eazy, becauze,


(Another zippy, zappy, crazy day comes to a close. As we zoom up to Joe’s snooze zone, Zoe Jones of Zodiac Zoo plays with her zipper. Last week, Jim’s brothers were picked to present their country in the Olympic Games. Two of the brothers were swimmers, while the other two were long distance runners. All of the brothers wore glasses. These athletes worked hard at qualifying for the games and and were hoping to come home with prizes. Since the brothers go the the same university, they often take the same courses. This makes studying easier and gives them more time to do other things.)

(On Thursday, I had a very lazy day. I woke up early, and first squeezed oranges into juice. I then got dressed and watched the sunrise come up over the mountains. It was so beautiful that I took many pictures with my cameras and I used three rolls of film. After drinking two cups of coffee, I got dressed, left the house and walked three miles home.)

第三课: TH, Voiced T

第三课: TH, Voiced Thttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1136832743068475392




Thumb, th和umb的发音时间几乎一样长


(Thanks, Thick, Thunder, Thursday, Think)


(Anything, Bathmat, Toothpick, Athletic, Mouthwash)


(Bath, North, Beneath, Fourth, South)

有声TH (同嘴型,只是带振动)


(The, That, They, Them, There, This, Those, These)

不在词首,如weather, smooth


(Clothing, Leather, Mother, Another, Weather, Northern)


(Smooth, Bathe, Breathe) (Breath 却为不发音th)


(This and that, A tablecloth, Winter clothing, Athens, Greece, That’s the one, Her skin is smooth, Thirty day’s notice, A famous author. Here and there, False teeth. Thread the needle, A thoughtful gift, Thunder and lightening, Thumbs up.)

(Thelma arrived in town last Thursday.)

(I’m having trouble threading this needle.)

(I need 33 thick thermometers.)

(The thing they like best about Athens is the weather.)

(This thrilling novel was written by a famous author.)

(He will be through with his work at 3:30)

(Now and then, she likes to buy new clothing.)

(They thought they were going to Northern Spain.)

(Which tablecloth shall we use for the party.)

(That was the 33rd theatre to open.)





(Thread the needle. Throw the ball. My throat is sore. A thrilling ride. Three more days. Yesterday, he threw the ball. The king sits on a throne.)

(Norse Thatcher was thankful is was Thursday. She knew that on Thursday, she had to deliver 33 boxes of thermometers to the North American Athletic Club. They thought that thermometers were necessary for testing the hydrotherapy baths. This was thought to benefit the athletes with arthritis. The athletic trainers required authorization to provide hydrotherapy to the youthful athletes, on the 3 bulletin boards with thumbtacks, throughout the athletic club. Rather than rick the health of the athletes, they thoroughly checked the thousands of thermometers to ensure their worthiness; otherwise, they needed to be thrown away.)

TH exceptions


Thomas, Thames, Thompson, Esther, Theresa, Thyme, Thailand

T and D (T,D一对儿,口型一样,一个发音一个不发音)T在两个原音中,发D

water=wader, better=bedder, butter=budder

(Betty bought a bit of better butter. But, said she, this butter’s bitter. If I put it in my batter, it’ll make my batter bitter.)

即使两个词, put it = pudit, it’ll = idill

第四课: F and V, Sh and Voiced SH

第四课: F and V, Sh and Voicedhttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1136832762366603264

F V paired unvoiced/voiced

F 清辅音 (同理PH)

像是向下咬唇,空气摩擦, F故意拉长否则不对!如foot,保持F音为单词总长1/2

(自我总结,和中文f(拂)不一样!要咬嘴唇! 一定不要产生气流,不要吹气.)


(find, finally,family, fReedom, laugh, telephone, syMphony, rough)

(Do you feel like a physical wreck? Are you fed up with your feeling of fatigue? Have you had enough of feeling rough? Why don’t you fight fever with Pharaoh’s Friend. A medicine that is tough on flu.)

V 浊辅音

同样需拉长! vvvvvote, V不是W!!,要咬嘴唇+空气摩擦

(vine, oven, evaluate, voice, travel, River, every, glove, alive, leave (发声音结尾,不同于leaf)


(Feel veal; Safe Save; Fat Vat; Fine Vine; Face Vase; Fan Van; Foul Vowel; Proof Prove)

(A famous athlete, A food vendor, The Foreign Service, Summer Vacation, Vocabulary test, Over the rainbow, Our first victory, Harvard University, Husband and wife, Very well done. )

(Her promotion in the firm was well deserved.)

(There was only one survivor on the island.)

(Steve noticed that the olive juice must have stained his sleeve.)

(The street vendor was selling souvenirs to tourist.)

(Dave gave me his car so that I could drive on New Year’s eve.)

(There were several dent in the rear fender.)

(Tom placed several tomatoes from the vine into a basket.)

f/v exception:


of 发音为 ov, it’s made ovvv wood

(Statue ovvvv liverty.) (It’s made ovvvv wood.)

sh 的 发音与不发音


双唇往前, 微张, 牙微张, 气出

s发sh example : sugar, sure,

ch 发 sh example: chef, Chicago

(she, sugar, sure, shadow, sheep, shirt, shoe, shape, Chicago, chef)

sh词中 example

(nation, motion, mission, special, reputation, official, machine, fishing, insurance, sunshine, ocean, tissue, addition, subtraction)


(rush, dish, establish, splash, Irish, fresh, finish)

(The fishing trip was planned, and we left to go to the ocean. Was the chef ashamed to use the precious sugar? Sharon gave a special performance. He will be stationed in Washington, D. C. the nation’s capital. She went to a fishing show after taking a shower. She sells seashell by the seashore. The social club was praised for their cooperation. Joe’s weather machine shows a sharp drop in air pressure especially offshore. Ships in motion on the ocean should be sure to use caution.)



非常重要的发声如(usual, unusual)

u – zshu – al (第二个音也有原音!) 三个音快念 = usual (不是u-zshuo两个音!)


(vision, visual, conclusion, asia, version, division, casual, television, measure)


(beige, massage, prestige)

发声sh example

(It’s not unusual for people to study division in Asia. I usually use a measuring cup to measure erosion. The beige walls were the usual color in the treasury building.)

(It’s usually hot in the summer. It’s unusual for me to be late for an appointment.)

第五课: L

第五课: Lhttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1136832781484089344


Step 1. 嘴张大同时下巴往下

Step 2. 抬起舌头到上牙后边

Step 3. 放下舌头并放松舌头


(Lunch, Local, London, Learn , Large, Life, Lobby, Library, Lucky, Lift, Laugh, Long)



(Inflation, Believe, Volume, Glue,. Elevator, Solve, Pulling, Flood, Delete, Elect, Alive, Color.)



下巴倒是同样不要动, 只有舌头升上去! 下巴不能代替舌头上升发l音.

(Will, Ball, Tall, Call, Small, Control, Bowl, Apple, Miracle, Powerful, Control, Financial, People)


(- The lollipop fell into the cool water.

- Her driver’s license was pulled out of the blue golf bag. - Blake’s bowling ball fell under his tools.

- Carl could not locate the lemons or the limes.

- The school was a mile away from the hill.

- The golf club was made of steel.

- Al’s goal was to play baseball with Carol.

- A certified letter was delivered for the enrollment list.

- It was revealing to look at the smiling lawyer.)




FL example

(A flea and a fly, flew up in a flue.

Said the flea, “Let us fly!”

Said the fly, “Let us flee!”

So they flew through a flaw in the flue.)

Will example, 同样可以拉下巴练

(Will you empty the garbage?

Will you ask her to clean the kitchen?

Will you prepare a meal for the children?

When will you begin your studies at college?

When will she purchase the dress for her wedding? Why will he ask them to stay late at work?

Why will she bring her baby to the meeting?

How will they know if our flight is delayed?

Where will the child be going next year?

Where will they put all of the pillows?

What will she do with the millions of dollars she won?)

R L 区别 (别忘L发音规则)

Red – Led; Rick – Lick; Reef – Leaf; Rear – Lear; Rest – Less; Grass – Glass; Crime – Climb; Free – Flee;



(seal ring; toll road; already; civil rights; railroad; rivalry; coral reef; jewelry; schoolroom; gravel road)

第六课: Word Endings

第六课: Word Endingshttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1136832800723542016


尤其是B D P T


(Job, Cap, Bed, Plate)

‘P’ endings example

- I hope the group will sleep on the ship.

- The soda pop spilled out of the cup, over the map and onto her lap.

- Was the Egg Drop Soup cheap?

‘B’ endings example B是浊辅音,声带振

- We cleaned the cobweb from the doorknob in the bathtub.

- Rob broke his golf club when he slipped on the ice cube.

- The crab was under the cement slab at the yacht club.

- The ticket stub was found in the taxicab.

‘T’ endings example

- Kate left her cat on the mat as she flew a kite.

- The sailboat came into the port to join the fleet.

- What bait will make the fish bite? A cricket or a piece of meat?

‘D’ endings example D是浊辅音,声带振

- Fred will decide which sled should be painted red.

- David tried to send a refund back to England.

- He could not hide his report card behind the chalk board.

ED 在词尾

1. 结尾清辅音加ed,读t. jump +ed = jumpt walk + ed = walkT

2. 结尾浊辅音加ed,读d. rub +ed = rubD, clean + ed = cleanD, pour + ed = poured

scrub + ed = scrubbD, tag + ed = tagD, spill + ed = spillD. Trim + ed = trimmD

mode + ed = moved, buzz + ed = buzzed

3. 结尾T或D加ed,读id. lift + ed = liftID 注意t在两原音中为D

heat + ed = headdid, vote + ed = voded, hand + ed = handID, trade + ed = tradID, add + ed = addID

ED 结尾 example, 特别注意发音的ed

(Bob raked the leaves and then started to wash his car. He then loaded up the dishwasher and finished washing his dishes.

Susan spilled her drink on the spotted rug. She cleaned it up with a napkin, which wasted a lot of time.

He thanked me and offered me money, if I picked up the used equipment.)

NG结尾 (3个鼻音之一)

3鼻音: M N NG

从鼻子里出气发声.嘴闭上.(捏住鼻子的话无法发声) ng的话如walking

(Ring Sing Thing Bring)

(- I have a feeling that she is working too much.

- She has been wearing a hearing aid so that she could sing.

- He is looking forward to speaking at the Thanksgiving celebration.)

第七课: DG and CH, H

第七课: DG and CH, Hhttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1136832814787043328

CH (T+SH在一起) 清辅音


Ch 词首example

(China, Cherry, Charge, Chocolate, Challenge, Cheese, Chunk, Chairman)

Ch 词中 example

(Key Chain, Lunch Box, Richard, Picture, Teacher, Fortune, Nature, Beach Ball)

Ch 词尾 example

(Detach, Teach, Porch, March, Patch, Wrench, Coach, Approach)

(Chop-chop, children, it’s Charlie’s Kitchen adventure!

Today, Chuck will be teaching future champion cooks how to make a chocolate cheesecake.)

J 为CH的浊辅音形式, (CH + 声带振 = J)

J 词首 example (与G同音)

(Juice, Jump, Juggle, Jury, Japan, Giant, Genetic, Junior, Generate, German)

J 词中 example

(Algebra, Legend, Magic, Subject, Digest, Rejoice, Objective, Majesty, E-Ju-cate, Suggestion)

J 词尾 example 浊辅音结尾,声带要振

(Age, College, Postage, Stage, Pledge, Village, Average, Page, Courage, Knowledge)

(A German judge and jury have charged and jailed a strange giant, who sat on the edge of a bridge throwing jelly onto large barges.)




H example

(Hand, Hide, Hope, Hair, House, Harvard, Honey, Happy, Who, Whole)


Old- Hold, Is- His, It- Hit

At- Hat, Arm- Harm, Ill- Hill, Ate- Hate, As- Has

H在词中, 同样强烈

(Ahead, Behave, Anyhow, Inhale, Downhill, Dehydrate, Wholehearted, Overhaul)

(A. He thought that he should....

B. wash the car.

thank his teacher.

watch television.

use the telephone.

shut the door.

breathe deeply. (Voiced TH) tell the truth.)

(Henry the hungry hippo, who hogged a huge heap of one hundred hamburgers, has had hiccups for one whole week.)

第八课: Vowel Overview, I and EE

第八课: Vowel Overview, I andhttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1136832830834368512



三大要素: (嘴,舌,唇的) 大小,形状,紧张度 小变化造成大不同

前元音 (五个音,下巴分别从高往低移动(嘴张更开))

EE, I, AE, EH, A

Heat, Hit, Hate, Het, Hat


OO, Uh, Oh, Aw, Ah

Boot, Book, Boat, Bought, Bot

EE i

辅助帮助, 说EE (heat)时眉毛上扬,说i (hit)时眉毛不上扬

example (使用辅助帮助)

(Heat – Hit Keen – Kin Deal – Dill Seek – Sick

Seen – Sin Reap – Rip Teal - Till Bean –Been*(例外:bean发ee, been发i))

(使用辅助: I’ve been buying beans.)

ee example (同样辅助:脸型像是笑,且嘴角高)

(see, me, each, even, key, green, tree, very, happy, softly, may, busy, finally, country.)

(Speeding on the Freeway. Happily eating cheese. He and She.

Skiing very Rapidly. )

(She sees a monkey eating honey. We see a pony stealing money. Who can he see? It must be me!)

i (hit)

(Bit, Bill, Lift, Fizz, Kitchen, Build, Bigger, Chimp, Fifth, Listen, Business, Fist, Display, Filming, Live, Fish, Discuss, Fig, Fifty, Been)

EE i 混合 example 用辅助体现ee 和 i 的反差

(The beans have been cooking since six o’clock. Sit in that seat by the window.

We ate our meal, by the mill.

The seal will live in the ocean.

Tim’s team grinned after seeing the green field. Pip and Pete shipped the sheep cheaply.

Those bins are for Bill’s beans.

Does Jim still steal Jill’s jeans?

The girls put concrete on Jill’s sneakers.

Pick cherries at their peak or you will eat the pits.)

第九课: OW and AE

第九课: OW and AEhttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1136832851029975040


O不是Ah open不是ahpen

O的结尾有隐藏的W! O的结尾,嘴唇向前关上

Open = Owpen

(Open, Oatmeal, Blown, Bold, Owner, Phone, Cold, Robe, Oatmeal, Coach, Blown, Rotate, Bold, Loan, Owner, Slow, Road, Roam)

(How did you know that?

I don’t know where the hole is on the coat. Does Joe know how to drive on the road?

I need to blow my nose when I have a cold. Has it ever snowed in Rhode Island?

Cold winds will slowly blow snow over most of Ohio. This low is no joke. So folks, don’t go out without coats!)

Woke and Won’t

woke != walk, won’t != want

whoaw + K , whoaw + nt

(I want the ball.

I won’t give you the ball.

She wants to sleep. She woke up.

He wants to buy a car. He won’t buy a car.

They want to speak with you. He won’t speak with you.)

A (A + E 的组合)


(Age, Baby, Aid, Gain, Eight, Change, Able, Gave, Chain, Nation, Date, Day, Eighteen, Paper, Fake, Angel, Lazy, Basic, Made, Face, Nation, Basic, Face)

(The ape gave the trainer a cane.

David began shaving when he was eighteen.

The rainbow appeared when daylight changed.

The baby snake lived in a painted cage.

My neighbor’s basement was changed from blue to beige.

Hey, take away the strain! Weigh the gains of a great break with Lazy Day Vacations. Lines are open eight till late. They aim to make your day!)

第十课 OO, UH, EH, AU, AH, A

第十课 OO, UH, EH, AU, AH, Ahttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1136839796881248256



OO, Uh, Oh, Aw, Ah

Boot, Book, Boat, Bought, Bot


(Blue, Booth, news, Juice, Loosen, Ruler, Choose, Mood, Moving, Loop, Knew, Tooth, Smooth, Pool, Moon, Shoes, Zoo, Grew, Room)

(The room in the school was very cool. Tuesday at noon in the studio. Viewing the moon on June nights.

Do you remember the woman who lived in a shoe? She hadn’t a clue what to do when her family grew. Well, through your help, they are moving in June into two big boots.)

很多 OO 发音为Uh, 下巴位置更靠下

Food - OO, Foot - Uh,

(Foot, Good, Took, Look, Cook, Book, Shook, Wool, Stood, Swoosh)

Wood, 嘴唇往前,先推出W音

(Would you please order the wood from Hollywood?)

OO, Uh 混合 example

(He took a good look under the hood and found a flute. Julie enjoys good books after school.

He put his foot in the new boot.

She took her students to the brook to wash their shoes.

We pulled him out of the swimming pool. The fool ate until he was full.)

EH egg


(Egg, Get, Friend, Next, Entrance, Better, Healthy, Lettuce, Wrench, Spread, Best, Ready, Every, Red, Exit, Check, Fence, Headset, Necklace, Wealth)

(Resting on the edge of the bed. Ten letters from the enemy. Dennis will enter the festival. The message was given to the chef.)

(Hello again, friends! Let’s do a weather check. Well, whoever said temperatures are getting better, better get ready to spend a wet weekend in Tennessee.)

A, Hat


EE, I, AE, EH, A

Heat, Hit, Hate, Het, Hat


(Back, Dad, Fax, Value, Sat, Hatch, Jacket, Taxi, Apple, Catch, Rabbit, Tack)

(The fat cat wore a jacket.

Pack your sack and bring your magnet. He sang about an actor named Jack.)

AU, as Out, Downtown


Down-town != DonTon嘴在词中关两遍!不是当烫!!!

(Now, House, Round, Loud, Gown, Sound, Ouch, Out, Found, South, Ounce, Rebound, Mouth, Bounce, Flower, Thousand, Spout, Count)

(The brown couch is downstairs.

Her house is on the South side of the mountain.

I was proud of the sounds that came out of my mouth.)

Are Our 发音


Are = aR R很强, Our = AU-Wer, 先像OUT,然后有隐藏W

Our = Hour

Our meeting is in one hour.

(- Are you going to our house?

- Sales are down, but our projections for next year are very good. - Our plans will be changing in the next hour.

- Are you sure that our meeting will be an hour late?)

O 发Ah音情况

(Hot, Top, Stop, Probably, Follow, Not, Blob, Sock, Mop, Product, Solve, Problem)

(Bob opened the box and followed the instructions.

Tom put some cotton, rocks and a doorknob in his locker. My mom made a concrete model of a hockey rink.)


1. 集中注意力听英语语音:遇到不熟悉的单词或短语时,必须要多听几遍,同时注意发音中的重点部分。建议听一些专门的英语发音短片,如BBC或VOA的发音练习,从而更好地听懂并模仿英语语音。

2. 多练习:英语口语发音的确需要时间和耐心去练习,不要怕犯错,愈发会愈好。多找练习机会,尽量用英语来交流,不断提升自己的英语口语能力。

3. 精细学习:每张口、每个音节都需要细心分析。有时一个字母的发音就能改变整个单词的意思。这时可以使用网上一些辅助学习发音的工具,去帮助自己矫正。同时,多利用各种在线发音词典或字典,可以快速纠正个别单词的发音问题。

4. 模仿:每个人的发音模式不同,在尝试模仿英美或其他国家的发音时,可以尝试几个不同的引导音。比如,在学英语与美式发音时,可以多听几个相关的英语电影或电视剧的录音,有利于提高英语口语的准确性。

5. 多参加口语课程:通过参加外语口语班或者英语国培项目等,可以和老师或者对方学习者,并通过不断的交流、学习及互相纠正发音达到提高英语口语的效果。












by the way,我喜欢英式发音,感觉更有贵族气息。










