Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics"
1.A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2.A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3.A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
不速之客英文名字是The Visitor
《不速之客》(The Visitor)是2007年汤姆·麦卡锡执导的一部犯罪剧情片,由理查·詹金斯、西娅姆·阿巴斯、哈兹·斯雷曼等主演。
Once upon a time, there was an old man who lived with his son on the borders of the country. They both very much enjoyed riding horses. One day, a servant reported to the old man, “One of our good horses has gone missing. It seems the horse ran across to the neighboring country.”
Old man’s friends came and comforted him. However, the old man said: “Well, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Who knows!”
Couple of months later, a strange thing happened. The missing horse came back, accompanied by a great steed from the neighboring country. When his friends congratulated him on this great news, the old man said: “Well, this might bring us bad luck.”
One day, his son was having fun riding on the fine [new] steed. Suddenly, he fell from the hose and broke his leg. His son was never able to walk again. Again, his friends came to comfort the old man. But the old man was not bothered and said: “This accident might bring us good luck in the future.”
A year later, all young men in the country were drafted to join a war. Most young men who fought died on the battlefield. Luckily, his son avoided entering the war because of his broken leg.
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
Clocking ticking time spinning
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
Let it rain let it spray
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
I feeling her missing you
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
Let it rain few tear drops
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
Lonely nights talk to myself
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
Sad tears only you can wrap away
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
Pack myself get into right mood
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
Set me fine let you go with deep love
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
Clocking ticking time spinning
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
Let it rain let it spray
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
I feeling her missing you
Dingda lingda lingda lingda
Let it rain few tear drops
《红字》(英文:The Scarlet Letter)是美国浪漫主义作家霍桑创作的长篇小说。发表于1850年。
有三种方法表达咬文嚼字: to talk pedantically to pay excessive attention to wording to speak like a book 这三种都是正确的英语用法。 咬文嚼字[yǎo wén jiáo zì],亦作“咬文啮字 ”。一般将“咬文嚼字”当作“过分地斟酌字句”,看作贬义词,用于讽刺那些专门死抠字眼而不去领会精神实质的人,也讽刺那些讲话时爱卖弄自己学识的人。语本元 ·秦简夫 《剪发待宾》第二折:“你道是一点墨半张纸,不中吃,不中使……又则道俺咬文嚼字。” 明 ·无名氏 《司马相如题桥记》:“如今那街市上常人,粗读几句书,咬文嚼字,人叫他做半瓶醋。” 但在很多时候,有些文字是需要仔细琢磨的。实际上,“咬文嚼字”原来就是“指词句上的推敲”,是一个褒义词。
The gentleman is calm and at ease; the Small Man is fretful and ill at ease.(威利)
The gentleman is open and at ease; the small man is full of worries and anxieties.(丁往道)
The superior man is broad-minded and free of worries, while the inferior man is always heavy-hearted and sorrowful.(鲁金华)
A man of virtue is open-minded and always at ease; a man of meanness is full of distress at all times.(周仪)
这四个译本中,周仪的译本最为贴近,“a man of virtue”和“a man of meanness”强调的就是君子和小人在道德品质上的差异,最接近原意。
威利和丁往道的版本都把“君子”和“小人”译成了gentleman和small man。gentleman指a man who is polite and well-educated,侧重表示人的教养良好,与small man作对比,展现出家庭出身和礼仪教养的不同。虽然不如周仪的版本贴近,但也不失为好的译文。
而鲁金华的译文则是“the superior man”和“the inferior man”,superior和inferior作对比,强调了地位的高低不同,与原文意思出入较大。
好的,以下是一些英文版成语,以及它们的解释:1.Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于言辞。2.All good things come to an end. 一切美好的事物都有终结之时。3.All's well that ends well. 结果好就一切都好。4.Easy come, easy go. 来得容易去得快。5.Every cloud has a silver lining. 乌云背后总有银边。6.Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。7.First impressions are important. 第一印象很重要。8.Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。9.Honesty is the best policy. 诚实是最好的策略。10.Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。
十、初恋 英文版?
以下是我的回答,初恋,英文版是"First Love"。这个词语通常用来形容一个人第一次在情感上产生深刻影响的关系。在许多文化中,初恋都被赋予了特殊的情感和浪漫的意义。初恋可能是甜蜜的,也可能带来一些痛苦的感受。然而,无论结果如何,初恋都是一个重要的人生经历,能够让我们更好地了解自己,学会表达情感,并学会处理人际关系。如果你正在经历初恋,那么请珍惜这段感情,并努力与伴侣建立良好的沟通和信任。祝你们有一个美好的感情旅程!