


316科技 244



简介:《Spotlight》是由美国制作人Marshmello(棉花糖)制作、美国说唱歌手Lil Peep演唱的一首歌曲,与2018年1月12日发布。年仅21岁的Lil Peep于2017年11月15日去世,...

二、spotlight 的原型?









Spotlight是由美国编剧和导演汤姆·麦卡锡(Tom McCarthy)与乔希·辛格(Josh Singer)共同编写的。这部电影讲述了《波士顿环球报》记者团队揭露天主教会涉及性侵丑闻的真实故事。电影揭示了在一个强大的机构内部,有多少人会为了维护自身利益而掩盖罪行。Spotlight在2016年获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖,并得到了广泛的赞誉和认可。这部影片不仅仅是一部关于新闻报道的电影,更是一部揭示真相、正义和道德责任的影片。



1. 连接Spotlight:将Spotlight插入计算机的USB端口,或通过蓝牙连接。

2. 下载和安装Logitech Presentation软件:前往罗技官网下载并安装Logitech Presentation软件。

3. 打开Logitech Presentation软件:在计算机上打开Logitech Presentation软件。

4. 选择“设置”:在Logitech Presentation软件中,选择“设置”。

5. 配置按键和手势:在“设置”菜单中,配置您想要的按键和手势。您可以选择不同的功能,例如幻灯片控制、音量调节、媒体播放等等。

6. 保存设置:在完成设置后,点击“保存设置”按钮。








七、UNC Greensboro: Spotlight on Finance and Administration

Introduction to UNC Greensboro's Finance and Administration

UNC Greensboro (UNCG) is a renowned public university located in Greensboro, North Carolina. With a rich history and commitment to academic excellence, UNCG is dedicated to providing high-quality education and fostering a supportive community for its students. Behind the scenes, a team of professionals works diligently to manage the university's finances and administrative functions, ensuring the smooth operation of all departments and programs.

Financial Management at UNCG

Financial management plays a crucial role in the success of any educational institution, and UNCG is no exception. The finance and administration department at UNCG is responsible for overseeing all financial aspects of the university, including budget planning, financial reporting, and resource allocation. By implementing sound financial strategies, UNCG can effectively support its academic mission and provide students with the resources they need to thrive.

The finance team at UNCG collaborates with various departments across the university to develop and manage budgets, monitor expenditures, and ensure compliance with financial regulations. They work closely with faculty and staff to allocate funds for research, infrastructure development, and student support services. Additionally, they play a pivotal role in securing external funding through grants and donations, strengthening the financial foundation of UNCG.

Administrative Support and Services

Besides financial management, the administration team at UNCG handles a wide range of administrative tasks that support the day-to-day operations of the university. From human resources and facilities management to procurement and technology services, the administration team ensures that UNCG functions efficiently and effectively.

The human resources department manages employee recruitment, onboarding, and benefits administration. They strive to create a positive work environment and support the professional development of faculty and staff members. Facilities management is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the physical infrastructure of the university, including buildings, grounds, and utilities. The procurement team ensures the timely acquisition of goods and services while adhering to university policies and procedures. Lastly, technology services provide vital support for the university's technological infrastructure, offering assistance with software, hardware, and network-related issues.

Strategic Planning and Future Initiatives

Finance and administration at UNCG are not only focused on day-to-day operations but also on long-term strategic planning. The team actively collaborates with university leadership to identify areas for improvement and develop plans that align with UNCG's mission and goals.

Looking ahead, UNCG's finance and administration department aims to implement innovative financial strategies that maximize resource allocation, control costs, and enhance financial sustainability. They also strive to streamline administrative processes, utilizing technology and best practices to improve efficiency and effectiveness. By proactively addressing challenges and embracing opportunities, UNCG's finance and administration team plays a vital role in supporting the university's growth and success.

UNC Greensboro is proud of its dedicated finance and administration team. Their commitment to financial stewardship and administrative excellence enables the university to provide a top-quality education and foster an inclusive and vibrant community for its students. As we continue to invest in our future, we are grateful for the hard work and dedication of the finance and administration professionals who contribute to UNCG's continued success.

八、spotlight on english教材怎么样?

优秀因为spotlight on english教材涵盖了丰富的英语语言知识,在听、说、读、写等各方面都有涉及。其教材内容既有实用性,又注重知识性,同时还包括了广泛的文化知识。此外,它以话题为中心,在生活实用中涵盖了丰富的地域文化知识,能够充分提高学习者的兴趣和学习热情,使其更易于理解和掌握英语知识。在教学过程中,它还配有丰富的课堂练习和评估手册,能够帮助学习者更好地练习和检验所学知识的掌握情况。综合来看,该教材在英语教育领域具有很高的学习价值和实用性,可供学习者深入学习和研究。


Spotlight effect(聚光灯效应),就是我们常常以为周围的人在关注我们,实际上别人并没有我们所想象的那样关注我们。 不过话说回来,喜欢就行动吧!



